5 Tips for Casual/New Bloggers

02 September 2018

Being a "blogger" for about five years has its ups, down, and lessons to be learned. I think I might have mentioned this on here before, but graceboat is not my first blog. Or my second. (I think it's my third!)

Over the span of five years, I've pretty much packed up my space and moved to a different URL at least two times. I felt like I needed to move on once my interest started to change and I needed a fresh start. Along the way, there were a couple of things I did learn and have decided to include in this list. Hope it's helpful, no matter how long you have been writing!

#1 Do Not Wait to Write Down Ideas

The amount of times I’ve been guilty of this one... 😬
I have noticed that many of the times I’m randomly about on errands or in the middle of trying to work on a projects for school is when I randomly get inspired on what to blog about next. However, the mistake I used to make was waiting to write a note of the idea when I wasn’t in the middle of another task. There are few ways this could end: 1. You completely forget the topic and idea or 2. The same initial spark is hard to capture once you finally have time to sit down and recollect your thoughts. So, don't do this...

My advice: Type a quick note to yourself on your cellphone if you’re not able to write the whole post out in one sitting. Include bullet points of the main ideas you can refer to later, so it’s easier to trace back your thought process from earlier.

#2 Sometimes It Feels Like a Part-Time Job

From an superficial-view of blogging (my view when I was first starting out), it seemed simple. You write a post and publish it on the Internet, so people will read it and probably comment on it. That is unfortunately far from the truth of what it was then and especially now in today's blogosphere. It's more like: consistently post for steady viewership, visit another blogger's site to widen your web presence, promote your blog's content through multiple social outlets, etc––All things do not sound as fun and can make writing a blog more stressful than it needs to be. Personally, I don't follow the "rules of blogging" or special recipe to really get your blog going.

Mainly because, One: I'm not a full-time blogger: During the school year, classes are my main focus so the frequent updates on my blog dies down over those month, in contrast to the summer time.
And Two: The inspiration to write or place my thoughts into words sometimes doesn't flow as often as I would like to post.

My advice: Take your time and honestly--no pressure! It shouldn't have to feel like a part-time job. Quality is better than quantity, plus it shows to the people who read your posts.

#3 It’s OK to Take a Break

The last point leads right into this one; taking a break from blogging is OK! I constantly do that without even planning for it (lol). But really, inspiration sometimes takes time and there are points when life gets to busy to sit down and plan out content.

My advice: Don't feel like you need to announce every time you need to take a break, or when you come back. If it has been a long while (more than three months), it would be nice to refresh and update everyone on what you have been up to or new content you are planning. 

#4 Get Ready, to Get Messy

Since blogging isn't a cookie cutter recipe, things can get messy, confusing, and frustrating at times. That's part of the beauty of blogging as well! You can make it into anything you want to be. It can be about your underwater basket weaving hobby, travel experiences, or advice corner (maybe even all three!) –– the possibilities are endless. And the fact that there's no other person on the web that will have the same exact array of experiences is a part that makes your space unique.

My advice: Explore different topics in writing and DO share things you are passionate about. That may change as months or years go by, so feel free to change things up. It WILL be messy!

#5 Share You

Originality is something I value when deciding whether to continue reading a blog post or clicking around a new blog I find. Having a distinct personal style as a blogger helps me connect to them as a person and some of the interests they share. 

My advice: Try posting using your own photography, share your random thoughts (even if it might not make 100% sense), and share what you've been learning. There's always a way to add your own spin on a popular trend/topic, so make it yours!

What tips would you share with someone who is new to blogging? Leave your comment below!

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