Fall Bucket List

15 August 2018

Update: August 15, 2018
Summer is almost almost over, meaning school is almost here for some of us! 😬Even though there is a lot less time on our hands to be productive, I thought it would be fun to create a bucket list to check off throughout the fall. And at the end of the season, I can look back on things I'd like to try again, make a habit, or never try. 

Whether you're working at a job or taking classes, hopefully there are a couple of ideas on this list that might inspire you to create your own bucket list or add an existing one. I'll try updating this list every so often with pictures or with a little description that captures the moment.

1. Start and finish a Netflix series
2. Visiting and exploring 2 new cities
3. Reading through five books of the Bible I've haven't read before
4. Hike all the trails in the nearby park
5. Trying 10 different Pinterest recipes
6. Make at least 4 blog posts a month
7. Consistently work out everyday for two weeks
8. Continue rock climbing at least 3 times
9. Share at least 1 blog resource a month
10. Fall Photo Shoot! 📸
11. Finish reading 2 books in my book stack

What are you looking forward to this fall?

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