When You Feel Uninspired

23 August 2017

The lack of being inspired and not feeling motivated to creative things as a creative-person can be really frustrating. You are either sitting at a desk tapping your pencil on your paper with everything but the imaginative process of what to draw next, or staring at a screen stuck in a writer's block. I feel like it's an experience people who don't consider themselves artsy can even relate.

I know it's a big struggle for me during certain seasons, leaving me feeling stuck. But at the same time, it can be a humbling period of time.

I've been learning that during the times I feel like I'm lacking in skill and the desire to create, it's in those gaps of time, when I should instead reflect back to the source of all creativity and the beauty of inspiration: God, The Maker.

Out of gladness and joy, I give praise to my Creator who has given us the ability to create, especially as I sometimes take it granted. Being able to show inspiration from Him in so many different medias (photography, drawing, lettering, painting).

So next time, you suddenly feel an overflow of ideas, be full of joy trying to write down all the rush of ideas that your mind won't be able to contain into the next hour. And give Him praise, for the gift to create!

What are some ways you give praise to your creator?

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