A Barrel of Thoughts

04 June 2016

After taking a long break away from blogging while finishing up my freshmen year of college, there were a few things I realized leading into the summer. It was a lot easier to set time aside to dig into God's word and have personal quiet times even when sharing a room. I thought it would be the opposite after moving back home–it only became harder. The difference between living with only one other person and five people makes a difference, in addition to having a job where I'm working from morning till evening. I lost track of time and sped through any of the times I had for devotions. Plus, I don't feel spiritually motivated at home. At least twice a week, I was with Cru during campus for either Worship night or for a women's study and I was growing. I felt eager to share my faith and learn from others. But lately, as shared in my last post, it's been a struggle. I'm moving through the same old cycles, with no movement. In the past few days (after letting out held-in tears), here a few things I've been reflecting on.

1 | My intentions
Why do I read my bible or sing songs? Is it to draw closer to God, or to try and earn his persuasion in what he can provide for me? When my heart isn't resting in the right place with my brokenness, it's hard to discern between what God wants and what my flesh calls good. In times like these, when I can't remember all the good He has done in my life, I need to look to the bible. My memory may fade, but the stories of those who followed Him truly received the gift of joy and found rest. It is not up to me to decide what it right—not when a wise ruler who is sovereign over all takes care to look upon his creation and point, and say she is loved.

2 | There is Beauty in Taking Risks
I believe there is beauty in taking risks. Taking a step into the unknown, sometimes unknowingly figuring out the consequences along the way, without being reckless in the process. We were not made to stand still while life passes. We were created to live, love, serve, share, and do much more. But this isn’t what fill us: the laughable memories and days to reflect on. It’s realizing, because of those risks taken, we were able to seek His beautiful gifts of joy, peace, and gentleness, and allow him to map our destinies.

3 | It's time to Speak Out
How often do we find ourselves being out of the loop with the current news and what the media is saying? Sure it's easy to say you're trying to avoid hearing the same sad news everyday, or ignoring the media's attention games. But your disconnect isn't leading to change, it's ignoring the opportunity to make change. I'll admit, I shared these same thoughts with recent pop culture trends becoming less attractive and the political ramparts I hear daily. However, that doesn't give me an excuse to ignore the conversation all together. We were created to respond to the things happening around us, for a purpose. Speak up for truth and speak out for those who can't (Proverbs 31:8).

Just wanted to add, this gal's messages has been really helping to think in depth about my faith. I'm blessed and inspired by her declarations of faith and leadership. #forsuchatimeasthis


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