Prayer is Beautiful

16 February 2016

Prayer is beautiful. It doesn't matter where you may be or what emotions you are experiencing. In all seasons, 365 (and a ¼) days of the year, you're able to talk to God about anything weighing on your heart, give thanks for joyous moments, or for guidance. These past couple of months have shown me the beauty in this amazing gift we've been given, and four points I'd like to share.

Pray Out: Praying out loud
Verbally talking out loud while praying is one of the things I've adapted into my personal prayer time. It makes praying feel more intimate, and more like a conversation.

Pray Together: Overcome the fear of praying with other people
Group praying was one of the most nerve-wracking things I've did for the first time last semester (keyword: was). I'll still admit, I do still get nervous, but depending on the group of people I'm with, it's not as hard. Start by praying with two or three friends to make praying together seem less scary!

Pray Close: Be detailed and transparent
It's one thing to know what is worrying you, but what about giving your troubles up to God? Tell Him about your day, give thanks, pray for some of your internal struggle, or for a friend who may need help. Also, being transparent with friends in your spiritual walk is important.

Pray First: Run into His arms
There have been a few times in this semester when I've felt angry or confused, and it's tempting to rant out with these emotions. But I know I won't feel as satisfied as when I tell God what I'm experiencing and guidance on how I should react.

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