Here we go, ready to start the greatest voyage of our lives. But, before we can begin, we will need a couple of bare necessities to get this boat out of the dock: The necessities before lifting your anchor.
The Bible
This will be your guide to follow throughout your whole trip from the beginning to the very end. Contained are stories of wisdom, hardships, and lessons to learn about life. When in doubt, this book will give you answers when your vessel glides off course.
Without beginning with faith, how can you start? It is what initiates the start of the boat. It is the wind to the sails, which glides your boat through the difficult situations. Other winds from foreign bodies may try to push you backwards or push you off-course, because this is expected. This adventure will put to test your winds of faith, and requires a strong one.
The Desire for a Relationship
Just like faith, there needs to be a understanding that you want a relationship with God, so talk with him. He's there to listen to your problems and he wants you to rely on him. Whether times are hard or not, your ropes need to be strong, not worn out. So, be patient and listen for the signals being sent. These tethers won't lift themselves.
These are main three points you'll need to start, but as you find your way along more 'necessities' will make themselves known. All that's left to do is to say a prayer for safe journeys with minimal wavering, and lift your anchors away!
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